














  1. 我們收集和處理什麼個人資料
  2. 我們為何收集和處理您的個人資料
  3. 廣告和您的選擇
  4. Cookies和類似技術 
  5. 誰可以瀏覽您的個人資料
  6. 資料保存   
  7. 您的權利和選擇
  8. 保護您的資料   
  9. 年齡限制與兒童保護
  10. 查閱個人資料
  11. 帳號刪除
  12. 聯絡與申訴 


  1. 我們收集和處理什麼個人資料


  1. 我們收集的資料(直接收集或通過協力廠商收集)
  1. 帳號註冊資訊。當您創建帳號時,我們可能收集您的玩家名稱、電子信箱、手機號碼、密碼、驗證碼和公開ID,幫助您創建和管理帳戶以使用我們的服務,並提供遊戲登入服務。
  2. 出生日期。在適用的情況下,您可能需要提供您的生日,以便我們能瞭解您何時能享有我們服務中提供的生日禮物或其他權益。您可以選擇在您的玩家檔案中向我們提供您的出生日期。  
  3. 相連的社群媒體(協力廠商)帳號資訊。如果您選擇透過您的社群帳號登入我們的服務,我們可以透過協力廠商社群媒體提供商獲得您的社群媒體帳號資訊(包括玩家名稱或暱稱)。此類從協力廠商社群媒體提供商處獲得的資訊會被添加到您的帳號資訊中。 
  4. 個人檔案資訊。您可以在我們的服務中設置暱稱等或其他我們服務中提供的設定來創建您的個人檔案(若適用)。    
  5. 遊戲資料。我們處理與您的遊戲狀態、進度和使用統計相關的資訊,以便向您提供回饋和資訊。   
  6. 聊天資料。如果您在我們的服務中使用聊天功能(例如遊戲中對話),我們可以處理您的溝通對話紀錄,並使用雙向加密技術來保護您的資料。
  7. 玩家服務資訊。當您向我們尋求技術或客服支援,或行使您作為資料主體的法律權利時,我們可以收集您在與我們的客服營運團隊溝通時提供的資訊。      
  8. 問卷資訊。若您參與問卷調查,我們會收集您的問卷意見。
  9. 活動參與資訊。如果您同意參與任何由我們組織的活動(例如抽獎),我們可以收集您的參與資訊,包括您的姓名、UID、電子信箱、手機號碼、暱稱、國家/地區等。在您領取任何獎品時,您同樣需要向我們提供您的郵寄地址以便我們寄送獎品。您的活動參與資訊也會被添加至您的帳號,以便於您能在我們的服務中使用數位獎品(例如獎券)。 
  10. 網路協定(IP)位址和其它設備資訊。我們使用此資訊以確保您可以連接到我們的伺服器並提供遊戲服務。
  11. 廣告資訊。對於廣告ID (包括谷歌廣告ID,IDFA)、設備ID (包括IDFV, OAID, Android ID)及其他設備資訊:我們將廣告ID、設備ID和其他設備資訊與您的個人檔案一併儲存,用以推播可能與你的興趣相關的廣告并監測我們的廣告與行銷方案的效果。此外,在採取適當的技術安全措施(如加密和HASH)來隱藏你的電子郵件地址後,其中包括你通過社群媒體帳號登入時,第三方社群媒體收集的電子郵件地址,我們可能會使用你隱藏身份的電子郵件地址來追蹤我們廣告和營運行銷計劃的成功情況。
  12. 付款資訊。如果您選擇用您的帳號進行購買,則我方可能需要取得您的付款資訊及購買紀錄,以維護您的交易紀錄並處理您的購買及相關行為。此等資訊可能包含您的姓名、銀行帳號/簽帳卡號/信用卡號、卡片到期日、帳單地址(國家、城市、郵遞區號、巷弄地址)、信用卡安全代碼 (CVV),以及交易日期、交易訂單編號、交易貨幣、付款管道、所購產品之相關資料。  
  13. PayPal 帳號。我們將紀錄您使用過的 PayPal 帳號,並將其顯示為可選擇的帳號,以便您後續支付時可以選擇。
  14. 不良內容資訊。您的暱稱、簽名、聊天資料(僅以文本形式出現);為了保障遊戲中降低紛爭的網路環境,我們收集上述資訊以避免一些可能透過您的簽名、暱稱或聊天資料冒犯或困擾他人的文字(違反使用者協議的內容,例如色情內容)。    
  15. 其他需要特別告知的資訊。對於我們提供的一些網站、應用程式或服務,我們可能會收集上述資訊以外的其他資訊。我們會制定單獨的隱私權聲明,告知您在使用特定服務時我們如何處理您的個人資料。特定服務中的個人資料處理以該單獨的隱私權聲明為準。







  1. 我們自動收集的資料

為保障遊戲運行的安全與穩定,提供公平的遊戲環境,防止作弊,提升Gameone服務的功能和品質,我們將會使用cookies、瀏覽器網路儲存和應用程式資料快取等技術自動收集資料。我們自動收集的資料類別包括與設備相關的資料(包括但不限於設備ID、廣告ID、APP ID、設備名稱、設備類型/型號、MAC位址、IMEI資料、CPU資料、顯卡型號、作業系統版本和語言、時區、螢幕DPI、設備解析度、記憶體資料與顯卡型號等),與故障、錯誤、異常和診斷相關的資料(包括但不限於註冊/登入時間、遊戲版本、UID、堆疊跟蹤、異常歷程資料等)和其他與安全相關的資料(包括但不限於已安裝的APK名稱、啟動時間、請求和推薦URL,系統活動細節、遊戲相關的外掛程式和運行資料、與外部外掛程式程式相關的資料等)。 




  1. 我們為何收集和處理您的個人資料 


  1. 允許您使用或限制您對我們服務的使用。     
  2. 提供您所需要的服務,並履行我們對您的合約義務。
  3. 分析和管理我們的服務,以用於系統管理、使用者服務、安全、欺詐識別、檢驗帳號所有者的真實性、存檔或備份等目的。     
  4. 修復故障或錯誤,改進我們的服務,包括回應語言和定位設置、個性化支援和說明以及其他的玩家需求和偏好。  
  5. 開發玩家要求的新服務或產品,改善玩家體驗。  
  6. 驗證並確認支付。     
  7. 推播可能與你的興趣相關的廣告,追蹤我們廣告和營銷計劃的成功情況。
  8. 與其他玩家溝通,對違規行為採取行動。     
  9. 提供個性化體驗。
  10. 為您更新最近的產品公告,提供與我們服務有關的其他資訊。  
  11. 提供軟體驗證、升級和管理,通知特殊事件。      
  12. 提供參加我們的問卷或活動的機會。      
  13. 履行我們在所適用法律法規下的義務,回應政府的要求。  
  14. 提起、實施或回應法律訴求。  
  15. 分析、歸納、拆分、合併或更新所有收集到的資料(無論是以集合或針對性的方式)。
  16. 保障我們的服務或玩家資料的完整、資訊和財產的安全,履行法律義務,並遵守使用者協議或您使用我們服務的其他限制。


  1. 廣告和您的選擇


  1. 發佈、定向和改進我們的廣告。
  2. 改進廣告和其他行銷和促銷活動。





  1. Cookies和類似技術 

為了衡量我們服務的有效性,我們將使用cookies,即用於附加功能或追蹤網站使用情況的小型文字檔。我們可以不時地使用cookies或授權協力廠商的追蹤工具:(a) 記錄您的IP位址,以確定玩家瀏覽我們網站的路徑,並識別我們網站的訪客。(b) 收集連結到或將您推薦到我們服務的網站或來源。(c) 收集有關您用於登入我們服務的設備和軟體、您設備的作業系統的資料以及其他類似的技術資料。儘管如此,我們不會將您的IP位址與您的個人資料聯結起來。如果您不希望接受cookies,或希望在設置cookies時得到通知,在您瀏覽器允許的條件下,您可以透過設置您的瀏覽器加以實現。  

我們使用cookies、Web beacon和類似的技術,使您在我們的服務中獲得個性化的體驗,並用於其他各種目的,包括:

  1. 「記住您」功能:cookies、Web beacon和類似技術有助於我們將您識別為我們的註冊玩家,並保留您以前提供的偏好或資料。     
  2. 分析您如何使用我們的服務:cookies、Web beacon和類似技術有助於我們瞭解使用者(包括玩家)在我們服務中的活動,或最受歡迎的頁面及頁面的組成部分。
  3. 投放廣告:cookies、Web beacon和類似技術有助於我們根據您提供的資料,向您提供我們認為與您相關或您感興趣的廣告。 
  4. 本隱私政策第二條規定的其他有關功能或目的。 



  1. 誰可以瀏覽您的個人資料 


  1. 我們服務的其他遊戲玩家 


  1. 主管機關

我們可能會根據適用法律法規的要求,向司法或行政機關提供您的某些個人資料。此外,當我們合理地認為需要保護我們、我們的玩家或特定公眾時,我們可以在嚴格限制的範圍內揭露您的某些個人資料。 除適用法律法規的要求外,當我們確信揭露您的個人資料對於識別、聯繫或對您採取法律行動是必要的,我們保留在以下情況下揭露這些資料的權利:(a)您違反了您和我們之間的任何協定,包括使用者協議、本隱私政策,或做出其他損害我們合法權益的行為。(b)您侵犯了協力廠商的合法權益(包括但不限於智慧財產權)。(c)我們認為有必要防範欺詐或有必要預防其他非法活動。 

  1. 協力廠商合作商


  1. 為我們的服務提供登入或內容分享服務的社群網路門戶。 
  2. 提供運輸服務(例如向玩家配送實物獎品等)的物流服務提供者。
  3. 提供簡訊服務的資訊通訊服務提供者。
  4. 在開展協助我們提供服務、方便玩家支付、保存玩家交易紀錄等活動時,提供支付服務的經營者。
  5. 在進行專案開展、追蹤遊戲勝利記錄和分析其效果等活動時,提供行銷和廣告活動的廣告服務合作商。      
  6. 為我們服務您提供便利的其他協力廠商合作商(如有)。


此外,這些協力廠商合作商可能會使用cookies、Web beacon或其他追蹤技術來收集或接收您的個人資料。例如,購買或訂閱產品或服務的玩家將被要求向協力廠商支付服務提供者提供額外的資料,如有效的信用卡號碼和到期日。此類協力廠商支付服務提供者可能還會收集、處理和儲存您的資料,以便處理付款並解決後續的付款糾紛和問詢。我們也可能接收、處理和儲存您和該協力廠商支付服務提供者提供的資訊,以便確認付款、紀錄購買歷史和在解決後續付款糾紛和問詢時保護我們的合法利益。




  1. 資料保存









  1. 您的權利和選擇




  1. 對收集或揭露的個人資料的知情權

您有權瀏覽我們保存的關於您的個人資料,即 (i)您的個人資料是否被收集或揭露的資訊,(ii) 已收集或揭露的您個人資料的類別,(iii) 所收集的您個人資料的來源,(iv) 收集或揭露您個人資料的業務或商業目的(如有)如果您透過智傲客服向我們提出可驗證的請求,您有權請求我們提供正在處理的您個人資料的副本。您還可以透過服務中提供的隱私設置(例如,個人資料頁面或隱私設置面板)行使訪問您個人資料的權利。

  1. 更正權 


  1. 要求刪除個人資料的權利



  1. 取消行銷推播的權利


  1. 投訴權


  1. 撤回同意權 



  1. 保護您的資料






  1. 年齡限制與兒童保護 





  1. 查閱個人資料




個別人士 / 資料當事人如欲提出查閱要求,可向管理相關個人資料機構查詢。請留意,條例准許資料使用者就依從查閱資料要求而收取合理費用,但有關資料使用者不可以收取超過依從查閱資料要求所需的直接成本。

  1. 帳號刪除


    發送電郵至[email protected],主旨為【帳號刪除申請】,電郵內容需要提供需要刪除的遊戲帳號,連同角色的截圖(以附件的形式)及提供刪除的原因。我方於收到相關申請後的三個工作天內會以電郵及/或電話聯繫玩家,於核實玩家身份後先涷結其帳號,並於第七個工作天後刪除相關帳號,完成帳號刪除後,會以電郵形式通知玩家。

    透過Facebook Messenger聯繫我們






  1. 帳號即時無法繼續登錄遊戲,所有與該帳號有關之權益予以取消
  2. 若已存在之客訴及其相應爭議,一切都因其已喪失擁有權而表示放棄及結案
  3. 無法再就該帳號向我方進行任何申索


  1. 聯絡與申訴

如果您對本隱私政策或我們如何處理您的個人資料有任何要求或疑問,或者您想提出任何申訴或想行使您的資料主體權利,可透過傳真至+852 2866 9292或智傲客服平台(http://gocs.gameone.com)與我們聯繫。




Privacy Policy


GAMEONE GROUP LIMITED ("GAMEONE", "we", "our", or "us") greatly recognizes and values the privacy of people ("you" or "user") who visit our websites, use or access our games, whether played on mobile devices, PCs, our websites or other approved platforms ("GAMEONE Game(s)"), and/or otherwise use or access any of our provided services, including software systems, customer support, marketing and advertising, and community services (collectively the "GAMEONE Services" or "our services").


To the extent permitted by applicable law, children under the age of 13 (or other age threshold required by local laws) are not allowed to create any Gameone Account (“Account”) for GAMEONE Services. If you are 13 above but are considered a minor in your country (e.g. under 18 years old in some jurisdictions), you must have your parent or legal guardian read through this Privacy Policy with you and you represent that you have obtained the permission of your parent or guardian to create your Account.


If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor in your country, please make sure that you have read this Privacy Policy before allowing your children to create their own accounts or to use the Services. You agree that you will be subject to this Privacy Policy and be responsible for your children’s activities while using GAMEONE Services. You agree to supervise your children’s use of GAMEONE Services and make sure that your children only view the contents that are age appropriate to your children.


This Privacy Policy describes why and how we collect, store, and use your personal data, and the choices and rights you have about the personal data you provide or we collect in connection with GAMEONE Services. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us through our customer service platform.


In the event of a merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy or other similar events, your personal data may be transferred to the successor, we will endeavor to make an announcement in advance, disclose the details of the event and information about the successor, and request the successor to process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy as well. In case the successor needs to process your personal data beyond the scope authorized in this Privacy Policy, the successor will be responsible for notifying you of details about their intended processing of your personal data and obtaining the consent of you and/or your parent and/or guardian (if applicable) again if required by applicable laws and regulations.


GAMEONE may periodically modify, adjust or revise the terms of this Privacy Policy due to change of GAMEONE Services or update in applicable laws and regulatory requirements. You acknowledge and agree to check the updated terms of this Privacy Policy regularly. If you have any questions about the updated terms of this Privacy Policy, please contact us through our customer service platform. By continuing to use GAMEONE Services you acknowledge that you have read and understood how we process your personal data according to the updated Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy informs you of the following information:

  1. What Data We Collect and Process
  2. Why Do We Collect and Process Your Personal Data
  3. Advertisements and Your Choices
  4. Cookies and Similar Technologies
  5. Who May Access Your Personal Data
  6. Data Retention
  7. Your Rights and Choices
  8. Securing Your Data
  9. Age Limits and Children Protection
  10. Personal Data Access
  11. Contact and Complaint


  1. What Data We Collect and Process
  1. Data We Collect (either directly from users or through a third party)
  1. Account Registration Information. When you create the Account, we may collect your username, email address, mobile phone number, password, verification code and Open ID/Union ID, to help you create and manage the account for your use of our services, to provide game login services and for other purposes set forth in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy.
  2. Birthday. Where applicable, you may need to provide us your birthday when you apply for birthday gifts or other benefits available on our services. You may choose to provide us your birthday in your user profile.
  3. Connected Social Media Account Information (Third Party). If you choose to log in to our services via your social media account(s), we may receive your social media account information (including your user name or nickname) from third party social media providers. Such information obtained from third party social media providers will be added to your account information.
  4. Personal Profile Information. You can choose to create your personal profiles (where available) in our services by setting a nickname, creating your personal signature, uploading your avatar and other information depending the setup of our services.
  5. Game Data. We process this information about your gameplay status, progress and usage statistics to provide you with feedback and information, and for other purposes set forth in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy.
  6. Chat Data. If you use the chat function in our services (e.g. the in-game chat), we may process the communication record and we will apply end-to-end encryption to protect your data.
  7. User Service Information. When you seek our technical and/or customer service support and/or exercise any of your legal rights as the data subject, we may collect the information that you provide in communications with our support team.
  8. Survey Information. We will collect your survey responses, if you participate in our surveys.
  9. Activity Participation Information. If you agree to participate in any activities organized by us (such as sweepstakes), we may collect your participation information including your name, UID, email address, mobile phone number, nickname, country/region. Where you win any prizes, you may also need to provide us your mailing address for us to send you the prize. Your activity participation information may be added to your account.
  10. Internet Protocol (IP) Address and other device information.
  11. Advertising Information. Advertising ID (including Google Advertising ID, IDFA), Device ID (including IDFV, OAID, Android ID) and other select device information, we store the Advertising ID and/or Device ID for that advertisement and the other device information with your profile to deliver advertising that may be relevant to your interests and track the success of our advertising and marketing programs. Besides, after taking appropriate technical security measures (such as encryption and hashing) to de-identify your email address, including email address collected from third party social media providers when you log in via your social media account(s), we may use your de-identified email address to track the success of our advertising and marketing programs.
  12. Payment data. If you choose to make purchase(s) with your Account, we may need to collect your payment data and purchase history in order to maintain your transaction history record and process your purchase(s) and related activity, which may include your name, bank/debit/credit card number, card expiration date, billing address (country, city, postal code, address), CVV, the data concerning transaction date, transaction order number, currency, cost, payment channel, and product(s) purchased.
  13. PayPal account. We will store your PayPal account information and display it as a selectable payment option so that you can use it for subsequent payments.
  14. Malicious Content Information. Nickname, signature, chat data (solely in the form of text); in order to ensure a harmonious and healthy online environment in the game, we collect the above information to avoid some words that may offend or distress others (which breaches the Terms of Service, e.g. pornographic content) via your signature, nickname, or chat data within our services.
  15. Other Information Subject to Specific Notice. For some websites, apps, or services provided by us, we may collect additional information beyond the above listed information. We will develop individual privacy notices to inform you how we process your personal data when you use the specific services. Such individual privacy notices will prevail in terms of the personal data processed for such individual services.


In order to better provide you with a complete gaming experience, we may merge and update our collected personal data with data from third-party contractors in order to update your profile (e.g. the information of your connected third-party accounts), perform market analysis, and/or otherwise as set forth in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy, with your prior consent or where we have other legal grounds permissible under applicable laws.


When you use or interact with third-party services that may be available on our services, such as third-party social media widgets, share buttons, and/or login mechanisms, this Privacy Policy does not and will not extend to such features, which shall be subject to the respective third-party privacy policies.


  1. Data We Automatically Collect

To ensure security and stable operation, provide a fair gaming environment, prevent cheating and improve the functionality and quality of GAMEONE services and other purposes as set forth in Section 2 of this Privacy Policy, we may automatically collect data using mechanisms like cookies, browser web storage, and application data caches. The categories of data we automatically collect include device related data (including device ID, device name, device type/model, MAC address, IMEI data, CPU data, graphics card model, OS version and language, time zone, screen DPI, device resolution, memory data, and graphics card model), data related to bugs, errors, crashes and diagnosis (including registration/login time, game version, UID, stacktrace, crash reports, abnormal process data) and other data related to security (including installed APK names , startup time, request and referral URLs, and system activity details, game-related plug-in and runtime data, and data related to external plugin programs) . We also automatically collect data about your interactions with our services, such as the pages and other content you view, any content you post, and the dates and times of your visits.


In specific cases, we may collect other personal data apart from the categories stated herein based on your consent or other legal basis. When this occurs, we will provide more information about any change to the way or purpose of our collection or processing which are different from or not clarified in the details in this Privacy Policy.


  1. Why We Collect and Process Your Personal Data

In order to provide GAMEONE Services to you, we collect and process your personal data for one or multiple purposes including to:

  1. allow you to access or restrict your access to our services;
  2. provide the services required by you and perform our contractual obligations towards you;
  3. analyze and manage our services for system administration, user service, security, fraud-detection, checking the authenticity of an account owner, archival and/or backup purposes;
  4. correct bugs or errors, improve our services and respond to customer desires and preferences, including language and location customization, personalized support and instructions, and other responses;
  5. develop new services or products and improve the user experience;
  6. verify and confirm payment;
  7. deliver advertising that may be relevant to your interests and track the success of our advertising and marketing programs;
  8. communicate with users (including by sending text messages and/or push notifications) and take action against violations;
  9. personalize your experience;
  10. keep you up to date with the latest product announcements, and provide other information pertaining to our services;
  11. provide software verification, upgrades and administration, notify of special events;
  12. offer to participate in our surveys or activities;
  13. fulfill our obligations under applicable laws and regulations, respond to requests of government authorities;
  14. establish, exercise or defend legal claims;
  15. analyze, profile, segment, merge and/or update all collected data (regardless of an aggregated or individualized manner) for the purposes of improving service quality and providing a better experience;
  16. protect the integrity, information safety, and financial security of our services or users, comply with legal obligations, and enforce compliance with the Terms of Service or other restrictions placed on your use of our services;


For the purposes set forth above, our affiliates may be commissioned to process your information, provided that such affiliates comply with the terms in this Privacy Policy. Affiliates in this Privacy Policy shall mean an entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with GAMEONE GROUP LIMITED hereto.


  1. Advertisements and Your Choices

For the purpose of providing personalized advertisements, you acknowledge and agree that we may collect and process the data to:

  1. deliver, target and improve our advertising; and/or
  2. improve advertising and other marketing and promotional activities.

We or our authorized contractors may deliver advertisements, marketing or promotional communications. If you do not wish to receive such information, you may request that we or our contractors remove your data from the contact list.

Pertaining to the advertisements, marketing or promotional communications, you may be able to opt-out of receiving such communications in accordance with the instructions therein, such as email, online communication channels, or other contact methods provided by us. For example, you may opt-out the out-of-game push notifications on mobile applications by checking the settings and turning off the "allow notifications" (iOS/Android).


  1. Cookies and Similar Technologies

In order to measure the effectiveness of our services, we may use cookies, which are small text files for added functionality or for tracking site usage. We may use cookies and/or authorize a third-party’s tracking-utility, from time to time, (a) to log your IP address in determining the path that users take on our sites and identifying repeated users of our sites, (b) to collect the websites or sources that linked or referred you to our services, and/or (c) to collect technical data about the devices and software you use to access our services, the operating system of your devices, and other similar technical data. If you do not wish to accept cookies or want to be notified of when they are placed, you may set your web browser to do so, if your browser permits.

We use the cookies, web beacons and similar technologies to personalize your experiences on our services and for various other purposes, including:

  1. remembering you: cookies, web beacons and similar technologies help us identify you as a registered user and keep the preferences or data that you have previously provided;
  2. analyzing how you use our services: cookies, web beacons and similar technologies help us understand what visitors (including users) are doing on our services, or what pages or sections are most popular;
  3. deliver advertising: cookies, web beacons and similar technologies help us provide you with advertising that we believe is relevant to you or of interest to you, on the basis of the data you provide; and/or
  4. other related functions or purposes mentioned in Article 2 herein.

We or our authorized contractors may use cookies and similar technologies to provide and personalize services, prevent fraud and fulfil other purposes mentioned above. Please note you may be able to disable cookies in your browser settings, but if you do so some parts of our services may then not function properly.


  1. Who May Access Your Personal Data

In addition to GAMEONE and/or its affiliates, other parties may also access your personal data in the following situations. You acknowledge that you have foreseen the occurrence of such disclosure when you provide your personal data.

  1. Other In-Game Users of Our Services

Other users may, for example, in a group challenge, access your in-game activities in the process of such group challenge. Other users may also see your displayed data (including your nickname, achievements, levels and other character information) and read the messages you have posted on or through our services. You acknowledge and agree that our services may also include message boards, communities, forums, and/or other chat areas, where users may exchange ideas or communicate with other users, and that any data you post to any communication area is publicly viewable. We strongly recommend that all users avoid posting personal or sensitive data at any time on or through our services.

  1. Competent Authorities

We may provide a certain portion of your personal data to governmental authorities as so requested according to applicable laws and regulations. Besides, we may disclose certain portion of your personal data within a strictly limited scope of recipients when we reasonably think it is necessary to protect us, our users or a portion of the public.

In addition to be required by applicable laws and regulations, we reserve the right to disclose your personal data in the cases if we, in our good faith, believe that disclosing such data is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against you, if we reasonably believe that (a) you are violating any other agreement(s) between you and us, such as the Terms of Service, this Privacy Policy or otherwise damage us; (b) you are infringing third-parties’ rights and interests (including but not limited to intellectual property rights); and/or (c) it is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activities.

  1. Third-Party Vendors

GAMEONE may work with the following types of third parties on or through our services to help us provide services and functionalities to you:

  1. Social networking portals who provide login and/or content-sharing service to and in our services;
  2. Logistics service providers who provide shipping services such as delivering physical prizes to users;
  3. Information communication service providers who provide SMS-messaging services;
  4. Payment service providers who provide payment services, such as assisting our services to run on, facilitating users’ payment, and maintaining a record of the users’ transaction history;
  5. Advertising service contractors who provide marketing and advertising activities, including showing you ads that we think may interest you, conducting the programs, tracking the success, and analyzing the effect thereof; and
  6. Other contractors if any for the purpose of providing our services to you.


Besides, such contractors may use cookies, web beacons, and/or other tracking technologies to collect or receive data about you. For example, users purchasing and/or subscribing products or services will be required to provide additional data to third-party payment contractors, such as a valid credit card number and expiration date. Such third-party payment contractors may collect, process and retain your data to process payments and resolve subsequent payment disputes and inquiries. We may also receive, process and store the provided information from you and/or such third-party payment contractors to confirm payment, record purchase history and/or protect our legitimate interest when resolving subsequent payment disputes and inquiries.


When specific third parties are involved in collecting data and information, please refer directly to their privacy policies on their official websites and learn more about their data processing practices.

We may also disclose your information with your permission.


  1. Data Retention

We will keep your data only for as long as your account is active or only for as needed to provide you the game services unless deleted in accordance with your request or as otherwise required by law.


You acknowledge and agree that your data will be processed on our servers which may not be located in your country/region of residence and can be accessed by our support, engineering and/or our affiliates around the world. No matter where our servers are located, we will make great efforts to take the appropriate safeguards to guarantee your rights in conformity with this Privacy Policy and any applicable laws and regulations.


In the case you request to remove or delete your personal data, we will retain your data as long as necessary for applicable laws and regulations, such as to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and/or enforce the agreements between you and us. Please note that the removal or deletion of any of your data may result in the termination of some of our applicable services.


Where required by law, we will only store your information as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information is collected and processed or where the applicable laws and regulations provide for longer storage and retention period. Upon the expiration of such period, your personal data will be deleted, blocked or anonymized, as provided by and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


  1. Your Rights and Choices

Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, you may have the following data protection rights as a user of our services and to withdraw your consent. You also have the right to complain to the local authorities.


To exercise any applicable rights below or to exercise any other statutory data subject rights you may enjoy under applicable laws and regulations, you may contact our customer service department.


To protect the security of your Account and your personal data, we may ask you to provide certain additional information before we respond to your requests. Under some circumstances, we may refuse to comply with your request as permitted by applicable laws and regulations. We may also charge a reasonable fee for complying with your request in accordance with applicable law, for example: if your request is clearly repetitive or excessive.


  1. Right to Know about Personal Data Collected or Disclosed

You may have the right to access your personal data that we hold about you, i.e. ,(i) information whether your personal data is collected or disclosed, (ii) categories of your personal data which has been collected or disclosed, (iii) categories of sources from which your personal data is collected, (iv) business or commercial purpose for collecting or disclosing your personal data (if any); and you have the right to require us to provide a duplicate of your personal data undergoing processing, subject to submitting a verifiable request to us using the contact information in section “Contact and Complaint” below. You may also be able to exercise the right to access some of your personal data through the privacy setting available in the services (e.g. profile page or privacy dashboard), where applicable.

  1. Right to Rectify

If we process your personal data, we shall endeavor to ensure by implementing suitable measures that your personal data is accurate and up to date for the purposes for which it was collected. If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you may have the right to request for rectification of your inaccurate personal data according to applicable laws and regulations and you can modify the information in the privacy setting of the services (if available).

  1. Right to Request Deletion of Personal Data

You may have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, if the reason as stated in Article 2 of this Privacy Policy does not exist anymore, or if there is another legal ground for its deletion, subject to submitting a verifiable request to our customer services department.

You acknowledge and agree that as a result of deleting your Account, you will lose access to game related services, including the account information, subscriptions and game-related information linked to such Account and lose the possibility to access other services through the Account.

  1. Right to Opt-out of Marketing Communications

You can exercise this right by contact our customer services department.

  1. Right to Complain

You may have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority where applicable.

  1. Right to Withdraw Your Consent

If we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, you can withdraw your consent in accordance with applicable laws. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect the processing of your personal data conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. In many circumstances, we need to use your personal data in order for us to provide you with our services which you require. If you do not provide us with the required personal data, or if you withdraw your consent to our use and/or disclosure of your personal data for these purposes, it may not be possible for us to continue to serve you or provide you with the services that you require.


  1. Securing Your Data

Pertaining to your use of our services, we have endeavored to take reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access to or improper use of your personal data, such as organizational controls, technical protection, and other protection measures.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. While we strive to protect your personal data, we also remind you to be aware of hacking, cyber-attacks, and other risks on the Internet.


Therefore, we strongly urge you to take every possible precaution to protect your personal data when using our services, including but not limited to changing your passwords from time to time, using a combination of letters and numbers when creating passwords, using a secure browser and/or taking other possible security measures.


Please be aware that advertisers or websites with links to and/or from our websites may collect personal data about you. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third party services, and cannot control the activities of, those other advertisers or websites. We highly recommend that you read the privacy policy of such third-party websites which you may be directed to before providing any personal data.


  1. Age Limits and Children Protection

You represent that you are not a child under the age of 13. For children under the age of 13 (or other age threshold required by local laws) are not allowed to create any Account for GAMEONE Services, to the extent permitted by applicable law. If you are 13 above but are considered a minor in your country (e.g. under 18 years old in some jurisdictions), you must have your parent or legal guardian read through this Privacy Policy with you and you represent that you have obtained the permission of your parent or guardian to create your Account.


If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor in your country, please make sure that you have read this Privacy Policy before allowing your children to create their own accounts or to use the Services. You agree that you will be subject to this Privacy Policy and be responsible for your children’s activities while using GAMEONE Services. You agree to supervise your children’s use of GAMEONE Services and make sure that your children only view the contents that are age appropriate to your children.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, we recognize that we have a special obligation to protect children in regard to the collection and processing of personal data. We strongly urge parents and guardians to instruct their children never to disclose or give out their personal data when using our services without the prior permission of their parent/guardian. If we learn that we have collected personal data about a child under the age of 13, we will take steps to delete that data as quickly as possible. Also, if you believe that we might have any data from or about a child, please contact our customer services department.


  1. Personal Data Access

The data subject has the right to verify with the data user whether he or she holds his or her personal data and to request a copy of the data. If the personal data in the copy is found to be inaccurate, the applicant shall have the right to request correction of the personal data.

Data users are required to comply with the data access and correction requirements within a statutory 40 days. Failure to do so within the specified time limit should be addressed within 40 days with reasons.

Individuals/data subjects who wish to make a request for access may approach the relevant personal data authority. Please note that the ordinance allows a data user to charge a reasonable fee for complying with a data access request, but the data user concerned may not charge more than the direct cost of complying with a data access request.

  1. Account deletion​

    Contact us via email

    Please write email to us at: [email protected], the subject line of the emailas [Account Deletion Application]. The content of email should provide the game account that need to be deleted, together with a screenshot of the character (as an attachment) and the reason why the player would like to delete the account. Within 3 working days after receiving the application, we will contact the player to verify the player's identity, and will freeze the account after verifying the player's identity, delete the relevant account after the 7 working day andwill notify player via email after completed account deletion.

    Contact us via Facebook Messenger

    Contactour customer service on the Facebook page to propose the account deletion request. After receiving the application, the customer service staff will ask the player to provide screenshots of the players' account roles that need to be deleted. Please note that the screenshot can only be sent via Messenger (External links are not supported). Within 3 working days after receiving the application, we will contact the player to verify the player's identity, and will freeze the account after verifying the player's identity, delete the relevant account after the 7 working dayandwill notify player via email after completed account deletion.

    Visit in person

    Players can go to our office to fill in the account deletion form in person. The staff will ask the players to log in to the account that needs to be deleted immediately on our designated computer/mobile phone. After our staff has verified that the player is the account holder, will be reported to our technical staff and deleted within two hours.

Once the account is deleted, players will voluntarily relinquish all ownership and interests in relation to the account. Gameone Group Limited will no longer provide related services to the account, including but not limited to:

  1. Account immediately cannot continue to log in the game, all rights and interests related to the account will be canceled
  2. In the case of an existing claim and its corresponding dispute, all shall be waived and the case shall be closed because of the loss of ownership
  3. No further claim can be made against to Gameone for the related account


  1. Contact and Complaint

If you have any requests, concerns, questions about us, this Privacy Policy or how we process your personal data, or you want to make any complaints or want to exercise your data subject rights, please contact us by fax at + 852 28669292 or via our customer service platform(http://gocs.gameone.com).




Last Updated: Sep 21, 2023